How to Find UN and NGO Jobs Using the Website

For anyone seeking employment with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or the United Nations (UN), or any other international organization, is an excellent resource. Diplomacy, humanitarian relief, development, and global governance are some of the job opportunities available. Finding a job with the UN or NGOs on requires being meticulous and paying attention to detail. You need to know the ropes of the internet, read between the lines of the employment market, and put your best foot forward when applying for overseas positions. This post will let the cat out of the bag on how to strike gold and find UN and NGO positions on by shedding light on the must-have features and top-notch strategies for job hunting.

1. Finally getting the hang of and all its ins and outs. is the bee’s knees when it comes to online job portals. It gathers job advertisements from embassies, international organizations, and NGOs from all corners of the globe. Its walk in the park interface enables job seekers to pick and choose openings based on a variety of criteria, including organization type, location, and field of employment. The portal is all about finding jobs in the diplomatic sector, development agencies, and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), so it’s a great match for people who want to make a difference on a global scale.


The website’s main draws are as follows:

Search Functionality: Job seekers can search high and low using the right keywords like “UN,” “NGO,” or the names of specific organizations or roles.
Job Categories: Positions are sorted into different baskets, making it a piece of cake to find positions in particular fields (for example, development, humanitarian relief, and human rights).
Location-Based Filters: The website allows users to separate the wheat from the chaff by narrowing down job ads by country or location, which can help hit the nail on the head when it comes to finding opportunities in specific geographic areas.
Instructions on how to apply: Some job advertisements really lay it on thick, giving you the whole nine yards, with step-by-step instructions on how to apply, and even throwing in some bonus links to the employer’s website for more details.
2. How to Find UN Jobs Using and Hit the Nail on the Head
The United Nations is one of the big fish in the pond, with a lot of irons in the fire, offering career opportunities in keeping the peace, making the world a better place, fighting for human rights, and shaping global affairs. is a real jackpot for finding these jobs. Here’s the inside scoop on how to hit the nail on the head when searching for UN employment using the site:

A. Keep your eyes peeled for jobs that are a perfect fit for you.
To get the ball rolling, put the pedal to the metal and use the search bar on the homepage to enter phrases like “UN,” “United Nations,” or the specific UN agency you’re gunning for, like UNICEF, UNDP, or UNHCR. This will separate the wheat from the chaff and display only job opportunities that are directly linked to the United Nations and its various programs.

B. Pull out all the stops.
The website offers a plethora of filtering options, giving users the chance to separate the cream of the crop from the rest. They can easily sort jobs by area, contract type (e.g., permanent, temporary), and experience level, making it a piece of cake to find the perfect fit. You can use these filters to find jobs that are right up your alley. For instance, if you’re looking to make a splash in the field of international development, you can hit the nail on the head by narrowing down your search by region and entry-level positions.

C. Read job descriptions with a fine-tooth comb.
Once you’ve struck gold and stumbled upon a potential gig, give the job description a careful perusal to make sure you check all the boxes. UN employment is often classified into various tiers, like P1, P2, and beyond, or grades like D1, D2, and onwards. Getting a handle on these classifications is as crucial as knowing the ins and outs to determine if you’re suited for the job. The cream of the crop of UN positions require individuals to have earned their graduate degrees, gained professional experience, and, in numerous instances, possess language proficiency in English, French, or another UN working language.

D. Stay on your toes and keep your eyes peeled for UN job openings.
If you’re on the hunt for UN jobs, you can kick things off by getting the ball rolling and setting up job alerts on That way, you’ll be in the know whenever new opportunities are up for grabs. This tool ensures that you don’t let any new opportunities slip through your fingers that tick all the boxes.

3. How to Kill Two Birds with One Stone in Finding NGO Jobs Using
NGOs have a whole bag of tricks when it comes to job opportunities, ranging from lending a helping hand in times of crisis to fighting for justice, protecting the environment, and building stronger communities. brings together job listings from both the big fish international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the smaller, more niche organizations. Here’s how to find NGO jobs on the platform with a piece of cake:

A. Turn over every stone to find an Organization or Sector.
To find NGO positions, cut to the chase and enter the name of the organization you’re dying to work for, like Amnesty International, Oxfam, or Save the Children. On the other hand, you can broaden your horizons by searching for “NGO,” “humanitarian,” or “development” to strike gold with a dime a dozen of results.

B. Roll up your sleeves and put your nose to the grindstone and utilize the Field of Work Filter.
Many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have their plates full with tackling issues like reducing poverty to a manageable size, extending a helping hand in times of disaster, and fighting tooth and nail for a fair shake when it comes to gender equality. offers filters that let you narrow down your search by profession. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack, but with these filters, you can separate the wheat from the chaff and focus on the jobs that truly match your profession. For example, if you have a burning desire about education or healthcare in the NGO sector, you can use these filters to get straight to the point and identify related roles.

Explore the possibilities in your backyard.
NGOs often have a firm grip in certain areas, particularly in developing countries where there is a dire need for humanitarian and development aid. makes it a piece of cake to search for NGO gigs by region, so you can easily find opportunities in areas where you have a knack or a fancy. If you want to work in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, or Latin America, you can separate the wheat from the chaff by sifting through job posts accordingly.

D. Don’t spread yourself too thin and put all your eggs in one basket by focusing on Entry-Level vs. Senior Roles. has got you covered with NGO vacancies for everyone, from beginners to experts. If you’re just starting out in your career, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for internship or fellowship opportunities, as they are as common as dirt in the NGO sector. There are a dime a dozen non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that offer fellowship programs that can really turn the tide, giving you a taste of the real world and paving the way for a stable career down the line. If you are an old hand, also offers top-tier positions for those calling the shots.

4. Tips for an Easy Peasy Application.
Once you’ve struck gold with a golden job opportunity, you must go the extra mile and put together a show-stopping application. Here are some suggestions to get your foot in the door for UN and NGO jobs:

Tailor your CV and cover letter to fit like a glove for each position. Put your best foot forward by showing off your relevant experience, jet-setting escapades, language skills, and understanding of the organization’s mission.
Give it your all on the global stage: Both the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) value applicants who have a few miles on their tires and can talk the talk. If you’ve taken flight, extended a helping hand beyond boundaries, or plunged into the realm of tongues, make sure to incorporate these escapades into your application.
Stick to these application instructions: Pay close attention to the ins and outs instructions given in every job advertisement. Some applications may throw you a curveball and ask for extra paperwork, like a personal statement or answers to specific questions about your qualifications.
Get ready for a tough nut to crack: The selection process for UN and NGO positions can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Get ready for a rollercoaster of interviews, written exams, and background checks. Do your homework on the organization’s goals, programs, and activities to show your true colours and prove your expertise during interviews.
5. Pulling out all the stops and capitalizing on the extra bells and whistles at
In addition to job postings, often goes the extra mile by providing job searchers with the whole nine yards of articles and information. These can include spilling the beans on working in foreign organizations, helping you knock it out of the park in your interview, and teaching you the ins and outs in the diplomatic and humanitarian sectors. Using these resources can give you a leg up in a dog-eat-dog job market.

Every cloud has a silver lining.
Finding a job with the UN or an NGO through is a walk in the park if you play your cards right. Job searchers can easily hit the ground running and find a needle in a haystack by taking full advantage of the website’s search capabilities, filters, and resources. They can explore international career opportunities that are a perfect fit for their skills and passions., with the right amount of blood, sweat, and tears, can open doors for a rewarding career in the realm of global diplomacy, humanitarian relief, or international development.

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